Linkinars are the poor cousin to webinars but are quicker and cheaper to put on. As result, linkinars offer the potential to do more online events at a higher profit margin.
According to, "A linkinar is an online presentation illustrated with a sequence of web links. Typically, audience and presenter access a live telephone line together as the presenter directs the audience to click on a series of links to illustrate points being made."
Because there are only two services required to put on a linkinar and both are nearly free for most content publishers it is worth consideration. The first is a group telephone line, the second is access by the audience to a web page where the presenter can post a series of web links.
You promote and monetize a linkinar the same way you would a webinar. You still collect sales leads for sponsors by requiring attendee registration and offer "signage" for sponsors.
For a one hour linkinar typically between 7-15 links work best. The person directing the linkinar introduces the call and directs people to click on the first link. Everyone one on the call does so. After the some discussion the linkinar leader moves to the second link and so on. In essence, the links illustrate the talk very inexpensively.
On the negative side, linkinars do not have the upscale graphical appeal of webinars, and cannot accommodate video. Linkinars are low tech.
But you can put together a linkinar with almost no preparation time and cost. You just need an expert who has a subject to cover and knows where to find supporting content on the web.
The best use of a linkinar comes when you use links to content on your own own website and blog(s). Doing this you can build web traffic as well as revenue.
More information at
Great savings on your light bill
Posted by: Job | January 19, 2009 at 11:41 PM