Since blogging can be a solitary job, fan mail is both appreaciaed and shared:
Hello! I just want to say thanks for posting on the web. I started in my current position in August of last year selling ad space for an association. My previous sales experience comes from selling traffic & light poles in Texas. So, it was quite a different animal to work with. Along with this, my schooling was to be a legal assistant. So, I do have quite an undertaking. But, I can relate to my advertisers in that I have some choral background and with my love for music, I see this as a good challenge.
With the economy this year our sales have declined. So, I am working with the executive director to find different avenues of advertising to sell, which right now is selling space on our website. But, your thoughts on selling packages really intrigue me and I am going to compile a few “test” packages to see how this goes.
Again, thanks! It is an encouragement to me.
Heidi Harmon
National Sales Associate
American Choral Directors Association