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May 07, 2009


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Mike Maynard


Thanks for a really good point (and the link to my post on Napier News!). You are exactly right n your assertion that design for digital will generally produce better open rates than a digital distribution of a print magazine. In fact my research showed exactly that. I'd promised the publishers who gave me data that I wouldn't release magazine-specific data, so can't give any detail, but in the industry I work the design for digital title dramatically out-performed the digital versions of print titles.


Mounib Yacine

hi josh,
Do you know where i can find this Abce report?
Thanks for your works


You cannot get one in the US, only the UK at this link:

Also check out some actual copies of ABCe auidits I've posted:


Josh Gordon

I maintain a constantly updated list of them:

Scott Cravens

Josh, do you have some examples of "Design for Digital Publications"?

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