Four titles had open rates of 11-12% A media buyer hearing these numbers might conclude that digital editions are useless for advertising. A digital magazine story now traveling the Web is on a subject some publishers dread and media buyers have suspicion; digital magazine open rates. Napier News asked a number of European digital magazines what their open rates were. The admittedly informal query yielded the following:
One title had an open rate of 16%
One title had an open rate of 19%
But there's a huge difference between digital magazines created as replicas of print magazines for the convenience of readers to archive and search their print publications, versus "designed for digital" publications created to fight for audiences in competitive online environments.
"Design for digital" publications have much higher open rates, so much so, that many are making their case with advertisers without discussing open rates.
In Europe, the recent ABCe audit for digital only publications makes its core metric copies delivered and opened. By design, this audit does not mention how many copies/invites are originally sent out to achieve this. In other words, if an ABCe audit for digital only magazines confirms a 100,000 monthly circulation, this indicates 100,000 copies sent and opened by readers that month. Oddly, this audit will not share how many copies/invites were originally sent out to achieve that 100,000 number.
If advertisers are not told how many issues are originally sent out they cannot calculate an open rate. I think this is terrific, because it shifts the question most asked on a sales call from, "What is your open rate?" to "What can we achieve for this advertiser with these delivered and opened copies of this digital magazine?"
I have not heard of an audit for digital only magazines in North America that verify open rates. Please post a reply if you know of one.
If none exist, I would encourage North American publishers to press their audit organizations to create an appropriate audit for digital only editions.
Read the whole Napier News article on digital magazine open rates
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Posted by: Account Deleted | August 24, 2009 at 02:43 AM
Thanks for a really good point (and the link to my post on Napier News!). You are exactly right n your assertion that design for digital will generally produce better open rates than a digital distribution of a print magazine. In fact my research showed exactly that. I'd promised the publishers who gave me data that I wouldn't release magazine-specific data, so can't give any detail, but in the industry I work the design for digital title dramatically out-performed the digital versions of print titles.
Posted by: Mike Maynard | August 13, 2009 at 11:31 AM
hi josh,
Do you know where i can find this Abce report?
Thanks for your works
You cannot get one in the US, only the UK at this link:
Also check out some actual copies of ABCe auidits I've posted:
Posted by: Mounib Yacine | July 16, 2009 at 04:57 AM
I maintain a constantly updated list of them:
Posted by: Josh Gordon | June 30, 2009 at 09:58 AM
Josh, do you have some examples of "Design for Digital Publications"?
Posted by: Scott Cravens | June 30, 2009 at 09:01 AM