A very cool white paper from Proximity WORLDWIDE lays out the case for iPad style digital publications. Proximity presents itself as the most awarded, digital agency network in the world. With more than 2,000 employees in 59 countries, they carry some weight.
Their white paper makes the case that there is a coming renaissance of brand generated content that will be distributed on iPad like devices. Publishers take notice, this could be a terrific new service you offer your advertisers...or something they do on their own, without you. Your choice.
Here is the white paper’s summary:
“Traditional media has historically been a gatekeeper between brands and their consumers. But thanks largely to the internet and ever-evolving digital technologies, such as the iPad, the wall supporting the gate has eroded, leaving it dangling on one hinge, wide open. Marketers who seize the moment and think and act like media companies, will stand to gain both market share and profit. It’s time to storm the gate. And we’re happy to help you.”
Here is how the paper supports this proposition:
“The consumer love affair with magazines (more than 12 billion are printed every year in the U.S. alone) means brands should rejoice at the industry’s iPad-inspired resurrection and re-invention. At the very least, this development opens up new and interesting ways to advertise to consumers. But there’s so much more to iPad-delivered magazine-like experiences to set marketers hearts to racing and minds to concepting."
Concepting? Great word! Now for some perspective:
When it comes to the promise of digital magazines, what holds true for the editorial content holds true for the advertising content: It can take a giant step forward. (Remember a few decades back, when pop-up ads in the middle of print magazines were considered breakthrough? We have come a long, long way indeed.) More robust advertising means more compelling and engaging advertising—and there’s data to support that claim as it relates specifically to digital magazines.
I love it, they now quote our survey!
For instance, consider a study conducted by Smarter Media Sales of more than 5,000 people already engaging with digital magazines. Called “The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines,” this piece of research revealed that 70% percent of the respondents were more likely to ignore web-based ads than those in digital magazines. And 82% said they found digital magazine content more engaging than the same content found on websites. (Recall the difference between “leaning in” and “leaning back.”)
I recommend you download the whole white paper and read it before your advertisers do.
Download the proximity white paper for FREE
PS: I'm be running a free webinar on the topic of marketers (not publishers) starting digital magazines for the IAB coming in up on October 19. Info and registration HERE
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Posted by: Account Deleted | April 26, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Digital magazines are here to stay as we all know that digital media is interactive compared to the plain print.
Posted by: Ohana Media | October 21, 2010 at 06:15 AM