A linkinar is very much like a webinar except that instead of having a software interface advance a series of slides to illustrate a talk, participants are asked to click on a series of links provided by the linkinar organizer to do the same. The advantage is that participants see a series of live web pages instead of a series of slides. For many online presentations, illustrating a talk with a series of live webpages has real advantages.
- If you are training people to use web resources, why not show them the pages they will be using?
- If you are sharing sales information with customers, why not familiarize them with the website they might visit again while showing them the information they need now?
In addition, linkinars are basically free to put on and quick to set up. Either email participants a list of email links to web pages or have them posted on a blog or webpage. Then have all participants join in on a live party telephone line. As the presenter invites participants to click on the first link, they all have a common visual information to share and talk about. When the presenter asks participants to click on the second link, the webinar is off and running.
Click HERE to see an example of linkinar links posted on a blog