To really get the attention of a company in a recession you need to sell your product as one that will either make money or save money. One client told me they had frozen capital budgets going into next year but that they would always make time to hear proposals that could save for make them money.
The temptation is just to lower your prices. But you need to succeed in the recession as well. A better approach is to reposition your product as a money saver. Some products are naturals for this. For them positioning for selling in a recession is done, just remind people there is a recession and present the product.
But most products need more creativity to position them as a money saver.
Often this is done by packaging the product with other products or services so together they achieve a RESULT. It is that RESULT that effects the money.
For example, one small business partnered with two other companies to offer a total system that could eliminate two costly steps in an installation process. The RESULT of skipping those two steps saved the client money.
In another market where diagnostics were needed on an ongoing basis , a company started offering free diagnostics as part of their sales package. As RESULT of not having to pay for diagnostic tests the buyer saved money.
Take a step back ask if your product can be combined through a partnership or expanded offering to achieve one of the following RESULTS:
add efficiency
redefine work-flow
eliminate jobs
save time
consolidate buying volume for price reductions
eliminate duplication of effort
out place or out source
leverage "off the shelf" products or technology
leverage the Internet
automate routine procedures
simplify procedures
eliminate paper work
If you can attached the purchase of your product to a RESULT that saves your client money you are on your way to making a recession sale.
Thank you very much for the information I really appreciate it!!
Posted by: Buy Propecia Online | March 22, 2009 at 08:37 PM