Wow. The folks at the social media site, "The Customer Collective" have out done themselves.
They gathered three sales trainers (me among them) to share wisdom for FREE. The incomparable Jill Konrath (from "Selling to Big Companies") shows how to keep customers loyal in a recession. Social Media wizard Richard Nacht talks about using social media in sales, and I talk about strategic selling in a recession.
To access all the FREE videos all you have to register for a FREE membership in "The Customer Collective," something you should do anyways.
All the session were produced by The Customer Collective and sponsored by Oracle. Great FREE stuff!
One of the best ways to increase your sales training ROI is to reduce the "I." And you can go to for lots of great sales training resources that are truly free.
Posted by: Dan Rust | October 16, 2009 at 07:01 PM
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Posted by: Sales Force Automation | February 25, 2011 at 02:14 AM