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November 19, 2009


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Letters to the Philippines

You have an interesting topic here.I will bookmark your site.Thanks for sharing the video.


Sales Training

Training is the most important aspect one's success. You must start right.
It is just like "Garbage in Garbage out". Better training better future performance.

KAP Proposal Automation

Great post having very informative videos.
You can increase your business sales volume according to your desire by using KAP proposal automation KAP content presentation, and KAP document Collaboration softwares. These are very easy to understand, and no specific training required to get work from them. just log on to http://www.globalkap.com to get great IT solutions to upgrade your business set up, and many more that you wants.

Proposal Software

These all are very good and informative videos. I would like to add some more tips which will work in every condition whatever its recession or normal conditions:
1-Provide excellent customer service no matter go beyond your limits.
2-Your product/service should work first time every time.
3-Provide exactly what customer is looking for. Ask customer requirements and find something in your company to provide that.

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