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July 05, 2010


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10k training

Good day,

Wow, that's a great profit to earn on the twitter campaign. Maybe for annual income. I don't think so you can achieve that great amount of profit just for few months. Could you give me some specific details regarding on this kind of profit that you have post over here?


TJ Walker

Josh, thanks for the excellent example of how a great communicator talks about the needs of his audience,not himself.

Get More Sales Training

Interesting article, Ive been wanting to do more marketing with twitter!

Nick Garcia, MBA

GREAT strategy...caring about what people want to know about, stuff for THEM, not stuff for the company. Great post!


Very interesting. What a great way to use technology and social media to build your company's reputation.
For most consumers, customer service is huge. Many businesses could learn a lesson from this.

Diane Feller

THis is so true - social media spreads like wildfire, and the only downside is so can negative remarks. Zappos is an incredible company by the way - I ordered from them after reading positive reviews online. So, I guess you can say I was sold :)

Customer Foucused Sales Training

Those who doubt the strength of Twitter have never used it well. Your piece makes the point well.


Great post. Customer service definitely is the key ingredient to creating repeat purchases.


That is such a huge profit from just a Twitter campaign! Is that an annual income?


This is a great achievement, it just goes to show the power of social media at the moment.

KAP Proposal Automation

Thanks for this great post. very informative how you can build your business reputation by using latest technology, and social media.


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Proposal Software

I think social media is the most important source of CRM that companies can use. But i am afraid alot of companies are not utilizing this source of business as they should be. Great post..

Hobby Articles

No doubt twitter is a powerful social media site. Thanks for this nice post...


thanks. good to know.

emma@postcode finder

I have always ignored Twitter until now Josh but you have given me some points to chew over here. I recently got new postcode finder software (that's for UK "zip" codes) and now I feel as though I need to reach out to more people as well.

cameron f

I have so many things going on for social and have just strat twitter and it is quite a thing to keep dedcated with! but you have made me think i should invest more time in it.

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